Wednesday 8 January 2014

What I got for Christmas -2013-

Hello lovelies,
So I know I'm like a week late on this post but as I haven't been on for like ages I might aswell post it already instead of skipping and waiting for this years christmas to actually do one. As you know I already got that huge bag full of clothes from forever 21 as you saw on my last haul post (yesterday's post), anyways so here is what there was for me under the tree on Christmas Day xD 

A forever 21 gift box from my auntie which had a lovely navy jacket and a beautiful pink scarf.

Then from a family friend I got a So..? body locion, perfume and lip balm.

 Then I got myself a pair of combat boots which look like Dr. Marteens with the money my grandparents sent me from Brazil.

 Also with that money I got this new jacket from Sports Direct.

 Then I asked my dad for a Satchel bag and he got me this beautiful black one from Amazon.

 And thats pretty much it, I'm very thankful for all my gifts it were exactly what I had been asking for the par few months so yeah. What did you get for Chritmas? 
Leave it down in the comments and if you don't celebrate Christmas what did you get from the Boxingday sale and the january sales so far?
Much Love,
Maria xox