Saturday 19 October 2013

Very early Christmas Wish List!

Hey guys,
I know is a bit early to be posting a 'Christmas Wish List' but yeah.
I know the things in my list seems a little bit greedy but thats what I've been wanting for a long time now and I know im not going to get everything I want but I always stick to this this list until I get everything doesnt matter if I spend years waiting for it. I notmally ask for one thing for christmas and then one thing for my birthday and normally those things are what I really really want/need.

1. Macbook Pro 15inch. This is something I've wanting for a long time, my current computer is very very old and its supper slow. Nearly every month I have to restore it so it wont frezze consgtantly or what not, even though my parents dont want to get me a laptop (they want to get me a newer version of my current computer which is a macmini) but I just think it would be more pratical to have a laptop as I'm in college and in a few years will be going to university it would be easier to already have a laptop which I could take anywhere and do my assiments and other things.

2. Dr Martens Pascal Boot Black. AHHHHHH I just want those boots so much!

3. Aria Clarisonic Blue. Well I really want this as I heard loads of good things about it and how I have really bad skins I would like to give this a try and see if it gets any better. I dont specifivcally want a Aria Clarisonic Blue, I would be happy the cheapest one I can find xD.

4. RealTechnique Powder Brush. I'm just in need of a new and big powder brush as I only use brushes for my powder anyway.

5. Maybelline New York Baby Lips Balm Electro. I JUST WANT IT! I've seen pictures of people wearing them and I just feel in love with the shades.

6. Mac Shy Girl Lipstick. I've wanted a nude lipstick for a few months now and as I've been searching through the web, loads of people seem to use this one and I've seen people using them and its exactly the shade I want.

7. Penny Board. since I was little I used to love to skate and everything and since I moved to london it seems like I have forgoten about every productive thing I used to do. I would love to get a penny board and get on my old habbits of skating around and hurting myself trying to learn new tricks ( not those extream ones but yeah) haha.
What do you want for christmas? or what have you been dying to get?
Let me know in the comments.

Much Love,
Maria xox


  1. I want a MacBook aswell, but they are so expensive, I probably have to save up for a year...or sell my soul...
